Saturday, June 12, 2010

Juicing, Juicing, Juicing....

Well - I bought a juicer! 

This things are pretty darn neat!  (and pretty darn expensive I might add) But you know, I've always wanted one and figured it will be a step in the right direction toward eating right and being healthy. 

I'm definitely still in the learning phase, so not much to chat on there --- but I have learned a few very valuable things........of which I will now relate:)

1) It takes a ton of food to juice!  So be prepared, it's not a cheap thing to do:)  Example:  1lb of carrots = 8 oz of juice.  Learn to love the farmers market....much cheaper:)

2) I went in thinking the juices would taste nasty....not so much really!  Pretty good -- especially if you learn to add things like sweet fruits, ginger, etc.

3) --- Yes only three rules for now.  (And I now digress on any previous mentioning of me trying to be healthy......) Add a little vodka and you have a little heaven.  Is that wrong?????  :)) hehehe....sorry had to do it! 

JoJo Surprise
  • Juice of 1 apple
  • Juice of 1 pear
  • Juice of 1 Kiwi
  • Vodka
OK - so vodka may not be a wise choice, but it's definitely the most fun:)